The Gender and Sexuality Studies (GSS) concentration embraces the importance of gender as a fundamental category of analysis across disciplines. The concentration explores how gender and sexuality are intertwined with structures of power and inequality, and considers masculinity and femininity, sexuality, and transgender issues in relation to other analytical frameworks such as race, class, age, and sexual orientation. Becoming familiar with the history, theoretical foundations, methods, and core debates of the discipline, students concentrating in GSS should graduate with a solid grasp of what defines Gender and Sexuality Studies as a vibrant, evolving field of interdisciplinary research and analysis.
Requirements + Courses
GSS is committed to the study of issues specific to women and the LGBT community, with added emphasis on understanding disciplinary models of knowledge.
GSS is a concentration, not a primary program of study. In consultation with GSS faculty and program advisers, students may declare a concentration in GSS at the time of their Moderation into their primary program or thereafter at a separate Moderation. Moderation, midway, and Senior Project boards should include at least one GSS faculty member.
Students must fulfill the Moderation requirements of both the primary program and the GSS concentration, which requires a total of five courses cross-listed with GSS, two of which must be completed, or in progress, at the time of Moderation. The Senior Project should focus on an issue related to gender and sexuality studies.
The program offers courses that examine the lives and experiences of women and LGBTQ+ people in a variety of historical, cultural, and political contexts; courses that engage questions of sexual difference, sexual roles, sexual socialization, and sexual bias; and courses that explore various intersections between feminism, gender theory, queer theory, transgender studies, postcolonialism, indigeneity, Black studies, and social justice activism.
Recent courses include Contemporary Queer Theory; Perspectives in LGBT Studies; Sociology of Gender; Gender and Deviance; Women’s Rights, Human Rights; Gay Rights, Human Rights; Feminist Ethics; Woman as Cyborg; LGBTQ in Rural and Urban America; Women Writing the Caribbean; Representing the Unspeakable; Nature, Sex, and Power; Victorian Bodies; Gender and Sexuality in Judaism; Reading Arab Women Writers in Translation; Gender and Politics in National Security; Women and the Economy; and Women’s Bodies / Women’s Voices.
The Office of Title IX is dedicated to preventing, responding to, and remedying occurrences of gender-based misconduct throughout Bard College and its affiliated programs. To increase awareness and cultivate a safe and proactive community, the Office of Title IX provides educational and preventative programming for employees and students.
More than 150 student clubs and organizations are active at Bard. Among these are groups specific to women, the LGBTQ community, and allies, including the Queer Student Association, Women of Color United, QPOC (Queer People of Color), Trans Life Collective, and the Transfem Brunch Club, among others.
Pocketbook Issues Such as Raising Minimum Wages, Paid Leave, and Protecting Public Education Could Sway the American Electorate, New Levy Economics Institute Report Says
The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College has published a policy brief outlining economic policies that improve the lives of working-class families and could sway the American electorate. That “Vision Thing”: Formulating a Winning Policy Agenda, Levy Public Policy Brief No. 158, coauthored by Levy Economics Institute President Pavlina R. Tcherneva and Senior Scholar L. Randall Wray, analyzes the shifting allegiances of American voters over the decades.
Pocketbook Issues Such as Raising Minimum Wages, Paid Leave, and Protecting Public Education Could Sway the American Electorate, New Levy Economics Institute Report Says
Long-Term Voting Trends Show Democrats Losing Working Class Support Due to Absence of Clear Vision for Popular Progressive Economic Policies
“Trump was the beneficiary of a long-term retreat of working-class voters from the Democratic Party. But becoming the party of the economically secure in a world of runaway inequality, rising precarity, and widespread frustration with many aspects of the economy does not and will not win elections. Still, as we show in this report, Americans are far more progressive than either party gives them credit for. Whatever path forward Democrats choose, winning back the working class would be a long process without a big and bold vision,” says Tcherneva.
For the first time since 1960, Democrats earned a greater margin of support among the richest third of American voters in 2024 than they did among the poorest or middle third. Meanwhile, Trump gained more vote share in counties rated as distressed—and gained less in prosperous counties—despite those counties benefiting significantly and performing better economically under President Biden’s policies that boosted government assistance. In spite of the Democratic focus on inequality, the party fails to reach the financially disadvantaged (who are the true swing voters) with their message, the report asserts.
“Democrats had neither delivered on nor even highlighted the changes that many voters wanted: policies that would provide economic benefits. They were tired of inflation that reduced purchasing power, wages that remained too low (even in supposedly good labor markets) to support their families, and many other issues related to economic precarity, including the costs of healthcare, prescription drugs, childcare and—for a significant portion—college,” write Tcherneva and Wray.
Assessing ballot measures and polling data, the Levy report identifies worker-friendly policies that would improve the wellbeing of the American working class and win elections. “Americans seem to apply two litmus tests to any proposed policy: (1) how will it impact American jobs and (2) how will it impact American paychecks,” they find. “If tariffs are expected to protect jobs, voters are behind them. If they hurt their paychecks, even conservative-leaning voters are strongly against them.”
Ballot measures indicate voters are more progressive than either party recognizes. Winning policies include: raising minimum wages, lowering taxes on earned income and social security (or eliminating them altogether for tips), making healthcare and education more affordable, protecting funding for public schools, increasing Pell grants, reducing the costs of higher education, and implementing paid sick and family leaves. Importantly, whenever asked, Americans strongly support federal programs of direct employment and on-the-job training—in the form of a federal job guarantee or national service for youths in jobs that support the community and the environment. They also care about rebuilding public infrastructure and investing in arts and culture.
Moreover, voters want policies that protect them from price increases, corporate greed, predatory interest rates, and hidden fees. They support more progressivity in the tax system and fewer tax loopholes for billionaires. They are tired of the dominance of billionaires in lobbying by special interests and campaign finance.
“Employment security, economic mobility, community rehabilitation, and environmental sustainability are winning messages. But they are especially powerful when anchored in concrete policies that directly deliver what they promise—good jobs, good pay, decent benefits, affordable health, education, food, and a peace of mind that Americans can care for loved ones without the threat of unemployment or price shocks or the loss of essential benefits,” the report concludes.
Bard Professor of Economics and President of the Levy Economics Institute Pavlina Tcherneva spoke to Business Insider about Universal Basic Employment (UBE), which is a job guarantee policy. “A job guarantee is really a public option for jobs. It’s a basic job that is provided irrespective of what the state of the economy is,” said Tcherneva, who is the author of The Case for a Job Guarantee (Polity 2020). “We can implement it now when the economy is in a relatively calm state and then be ready when business conditions slow down and people are laid off.”
Business Insider Interviews Bard Economist Pavlina Tcherneva about the Job Guarantee
Bard Professor of Economics and President of the Levy Economics Institute Pavlina Tcherneva spoke to Business Insider about Universal Basic Employment (UBE), which is a job guarantee policy. Many countries around the globe have tested out UBE programs, but support for the policy has yet to catch on in America. “A job guarantee is really a public option for jobs. It’s a basic job that is provided irrespective of what the state of the economy is,” said Tcherneva, who is the author of The Case for a Job Guarantee (Polity 2020). “We can implement it now when the economy is in a relatively calm state and then be ready when business conditions slow down and people are laid off.” Although logistically more complicated to implement than universal basic income programs, UBE has long-lasting economic benefits, argues Tcherneva. UBE would fight inflation by establishing a minimum livable wage without increasing prices elsewhere, prevent labor shortages by supplying a willing and ready workforce, and mitigate sudden financial hardship. She believes UBE is on par with Social Security as a means to shore up economic stability and that pilot programs are unnecessary. “We didn't really pilot public education to figure out whether we wanted it,” Tcherneva said. The first American UBE pilot program will launch in Cleveland in 2026. Advocates see the potential to win more bipartisan support for UBE over simply giving people checks through universal basic income.
Bard Professor of Economics and President of the Levy Economics Institute Pavlina Tcherneva spoke with journalist Ian Masters about Monday’s panic on Wall Street and fears that it may presage a recession. “I’m not exactly sure if it’s a panic, or an opportunity to liquidate some positions,” said Tcherneva.
Pavlina Tcherneva Discusses the Recent Stock Market Sell-Off on Background Briefing with Ian Masters
Bard Professor of Economics and President of the Levy Economics Institute Pavlina Tcherneva spoke with journalist Ian Masters about Monday’s panic on Wall Street and fears that it may presage a recession. “I’m not exactly sure if it’s a panic, or an opportunity to liquidate some positions,” said Tcherneva. “The real question for us is, would that then ripple through the rest of the economy? At this moment, I’m not detecting unsustainable processes in financial markets to cause the kind of effects on the real economy as we saw in 2008.” Tcherneva, who watches the data on labor markets and public investments very closely, believes that the US labor market still has significant room to grow, pointing out that we have yet to recover our employment-to-population ratio or labor force participation rate to pre-COVID levels. She believes the government needs to keep investing in the economy to sustain the recovery. “We set the economy on a really strong growth path in the last four years . . . If we pull out too quickly, if we allow an administration to impose drastic cuts to these public programs, this is where I think we can be certain that a recession will come.”